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Samstag, 11. Juli 2020

Sew A Softie - Tin Can DIY, Back to School

What's the first Letter of your Name? How about an easy sewing-tutorial with colourful felt and playing around with letters. Combined with empty tin cans you get personal pencil holders for the kids.
By cutting and sewing the letters, they will learn about the shapes for sure.

This tutorial is one of fifty great sewing craft for Trixi's Sewing a Softie July 2020.
Look out for and paintboxartstudio yesterday; costuraelemental today as well; creativefunforkids and art__teacher__life tomorrow!
Get some empty tin cans an messure with the paper around to get the exact form plus 1cm longer.
Search for a lettertype you like (mine is Baskerville bold) and find the right size.

NNN is about 280pt - Giulia is 223pt - kkkkk are 190pt

Now get some colourful felt and sewing yarn, some pins and sharp scissors out and let's start with the ABC!

What you need of sewing technique:
to thread - making a knot - back stitch - running stitch - cutting a template exact - work with pins

Beginner craft: 
The pencil holder or make only one letter to start....

Pencil Holder NNN

What you need:

- 1 piece of lilac felt 24.5x 10.5cm / 9.6" x 4.1"
- 3 smaller pieces of white
- Thread in white and lilac
- Sewing needle
- Pins
- sharp Scissors
- Template "NNN"

Step by Step:
1. Pin the Letter to the white felt and cut it carefully out.
Repeat twice.

2. Pin the Letters to the lilac felt. Thread an white yarn (arm's length) and make a knot.
Start with back stitches. 
Stay in the middle line.
Make a knot at the backside. Thread the next yarn...

The Backside will look like this.

3. Put the felt around the tin can an pin it tight. 
The felt should overlap a bit.
Pull it carefully down.

4. Sew the piece with running or backward stitches with the lilac yarn together. 

Your first cover ist ready! 

Time for a Name...

Pencil Holder GIULIA

What you need:

- 1 piece of felt turquoise 24.5x 10.5cm / 9.6" x 4.1"
- smaller pieces of green, magenta, white, yellow and red
- Thread in white and turquoise
- Sewing needle
- Pins
- sharp Scissors
- Template "Giulia"

The Steps are the same as above. 

Dont' cut the letters before. cut only the squares...

It's great to use scraps of felt for this and about the cut outs...let me think...

Now it's a smaller can and the letters are turning around...

Small Tin Can "kkkkk"

What you need:

- 1 piece of red felt  22x 6cm / 8.6" x 2.3"
- 5 small pieces of turquoise
- Thread in white, turquoise and red
- Sewing needle
- Pins
- sharp Scissors
- Template "kkkkk"

The Steps are the same as at the top.

Decorate with more stitches...

Pencil Holder "Y"

What you need:

- Pieces of blue and green felt  5x 5cm / 2" x 2"

- Thread in yellow
- Sewing needle
- Safety Pins
- sharp Scissors
- Letter "Y" (Baskerville bold 190pt) print out

Choose your letter in a size which will fit with a pencil or make a square holder.

Step by Step:

1. Cut the Letter and pin it to the two pieces of felt
Start with back or running stitches around the silhouette.

2. Leave an opening for the pencil!
Cut around the shape as you can see in the picture above.

This tutorial is one of fifty great sewing craft for Trixi's Sewing a Softie July 2020.
Look out for and paintboxartstudio yesterday; costuraelemental today as well; creativefunforkids and art__teacher__life tomorrow!

Thank you so much for reading this post!